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Writer's pictureAfrica Madueño Alarcón


When the goal is to play at the top of your performance in tournaments, it's important to keep in mind the fact that certain tournaments are like an ultra marathon. It is necessary to prepare for the demanding volume, dose the intensity and, above all, take care of recovery to play every day with excellence.

It is common in amateur tournaments to see the decline in quality game over the course of the day. Golfers unaware of the physical demands of the task, ignore signs of fatigue and do little to ensure high performance during the entire event. Most amateur tournaments last an average of 2 or 3 days, but there are some tournaments primarily at the high-performance junior and college level, which may require 36 holes a day, sometimes for 4 or more days.

But how to ensure quality performance daily for several days?

I won't go into detail here about the importance of preparation, that's for another article, but what can be done before, during and at the end of each game to ensure an optimal recovery.

1. Before the game:

Always before entering the field it is very important to eat well and do a proper warm-up and muscle activation. The warm-up, in addition to preventing muscle spasms and strains, will allow you to utilize your maximum speed right on the first Tee. When we enter the field playing well right away, mental relaxation allows us to focus better on strategy and self-confidence helps with commitment.

Aquecimento com elásticos com Lucas Lee
Lucas Lee e Africa aquecendo antes de um torneio PGA LATAM no São Paulo Golfe Clube

2. During the game:

Pay attention to your nutrition and hydration on the field. A study conducted at the COB during my work at CBGolfe concluded that more than half of golfers have blood in their urine, which is clear evidence of chronic dehydration. That is, golfers do not hydrate effectively during the game. How much water should we drink? Is it better to drink plain water or isotonic drinks? it depends on your body type and personal necessity. A nutritionist will be the best person to ask these questions.

3. After the game:

Here comes the strategy that can make the difference between playing well on the first day and dragging on the others or playing well every day and having concrete chances of winning the tournament.

At the end of the game, it is common to see the players heading to the restaurant to meet their colleagues, have lunch, have a drink (the adults) and talk about the result of the day.

But what is the difference between these amateurs and the professionals? what do they do differently to ensure a full recovery.

- Nutrition and hydration: After the game it is important to replace the nutrients, first to ensure the restoration of body losses (water, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates) and restore energy levels for the next performance. What and how much you will eat and drink, only a nutritionist will be able to advise you, but it is important to eat fresh foods rich in vitamins that guarantee easy digestion. No feijoada and alcohol, avoid soft drinks that can cause bloating and gas and don't eat too much.

- Recovery training: Going to the gym after playing may seem contrary to the goal of muscle recovery, but the proposal is not to perform a complete training with muscle wasting. It is to perform movements that relieve lower back pain, help with muscle relaxation and promote cell cleaning and regeneration for the next day. Remembering that muscle fatigue caused by the game can affect range of motion and coordination. That is, a tired body will not perform the swing with the same technical quality. What should recovery training include? static stretching, joint mobility, spinal segmentation movements, core and glutes activation.

Alongamento pós jogo no campo Fazenda da Grama
Alongamento pós jogo no campo Fazenda da Grama

- Massage or self-massage: Proven as one of the most efficient recovery strategies, massage promotes venous return and cellular recovery in addition to contributing to the player's relaxation and well-being. Don't you have anyone to massage you? no problem, always carry a Myofascial Release Roller, a hard ball and a massage stick like the ones in the photo below and learn to give yourself a massage.

Another interesting strategy in this line of massage is the use of physical therapy devices such as pneumatic boots. The level of stimuli they offer may vary according to the preference of whoever controls the device. Among professional athletes around the world, the accessory has become popular because it is easily transported and can be used in travel and hotels.

- Pain relief: Using a hot water bottle in the lumbar region or receiving a physiotherapy session with analgesic and anti-inflammatory devices helps a lot in relieving pain and fatigue. When fatigue is accumulative, it can cause injuries, so it is important to try to reverse the situation in case of muscle pain. Hot or cold baths are also among the strategies used by athletes to provoke relaxation and regeneration.

- Rest and mental concentration: It is very important that at the end of a round you do a self-analysis of the strategy on the field and the result. Analyzing what worked and what can be improved helps to plan and consequently increases your commitment and confidence. Take advantage of the moments before bed to visualize the countryside and do some meditation that helps to relax your mind. Avoid sleeping late and using electronics as bluish light can interfere with your ability to produce melatonin and get a good night's sleep.

The next day, start all over again!

With these tips you will be doing everything possible to guarantee a good performance in your next tournament. Take care, save yourself and play your best. For more information about the services offered by Golfefit in golf tournaments, please contact us.

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